Looking for some great summer reading? How about this one?
Swallows and Amazons
Arthur Ransome
(Juvenile Fiction)
$14.95 - Paperback - 351 pages
ISBN: 0-87923-573-X
A Godine Storyteller
David R. Godine, Publisher
Box 450
Jaffrey, NH 03452
This is a fun book, originally published in 1930, for children and adults. A story about the Walker family, the camp on Wild Cat Island, the catboat Swallow and Nancy and Peggy Blackett. Think boats, islands, fishing and camping. This is the first in a series of 12. Excellent Summer reading for family read-aloud or for youth and adults who enjoy adventure and imagination. This book is used in Ambleside Online (year 3) curriculum, the Catholic Robinson Homeschool Curriculum and others.
Other books by this author include:
- Swallowdale
- Peter Duck
- Winter Holiday
- Coot Club
- Pigeon Post
- We Didn't Mean to Go to Sea
- Secret Water
- The Big Six
- Missee Lee
- The Picts and the Martyrs
- Great Northern?
- Bacundra's First Cruise
- Rod and Line (Fishing Essays)
- Old Peter's Russian Tales
- Autobiography
If you want to see more on this blog and keep up with the homeschool product reviews I will be doing this year by all means follow me through Google Friend Connect, Networked Blogs on Facebook or "like" my Pondering on the Prairie page on Facebook.
The random drawing for this giveaway will be June 17th at 8 a.m. Winner will be announced here and sent an email for address confirmation. Good Luck!
You will be posting Thankful Thursdays. Great idea. On Thursdays, I post about reading aloud. And I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to be reading aloud to my children... how much better does it get than that? :)
What am *I* reading this summer? Or what am I reading to the kids this summer? :)
Right now, I am reading a whole lot of review books.
To the kids? Well, at the moment, we are reading One Foot Ashore, Whale of a Story, and The Big Wave. They are listening to Darien's Rise on audiobook. Oh, and they're listening to The Hobbitt (yet again) with their dad.
Thanks for this chance to win! I don't know what the Thursday's post is about. (sorry!)
Mrs. White
The Legacy of Home
This summer I am reading some of the Little House on the Prairie books.
Mrs. White
The Legacy of Home
Here is a smile:
Mrs. White
The Legacy of Home
Thankful Thursdays is what I see... and it sounds like a lot of fun! I might do it too! :o) Are you going to Linky it?
My goal this summer is to re-read TWTM by Susan Wise Bauer, but right now I'm reading a simply painful book for a book review I am doing... talk about badly written - but I promised to review it and a promise is a promise. :o/ (no, not a smiley)
And here's a little smiley for YOU! :)
You will be posting "thankful Thursdays."
I plan to do a lot of reading this summer. A few review books, but mostly just for fun. My daughter and I are about to start reading Pollyanna together on our Kindles. She just got hers and I think it will be fun to read the same book at the same time. :)
You will be posting Thankful Thursdays. Sounds great! :)
I'm still deciding on our summer reading plan right now. We will be reading the 4th book in the new Adventures in Odyssey chapter book series, and I'm thinking about reading The Hobbit next, and possibly beginning the Little House on the Prairie series after that, but this book looks like something we would enjoy, too! :)
Thanks so much for this giveaway! Here's a smile! :)
And here's my smile. :) I'm looking forward to getting to know you this year on the Crew!
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